Eating Healthy On a College Budget

When you’re in college, it is quite difficult to treat yourself to some healthy meals, partly because of your schedules and yes, your budget too. But who says you cannot eat healthy in college even when you’re on a budget? After reading this article, you’ll be able to eat lots of healthy meals even with your lean budget. So, without further ado, here is how to eat healthy in college even if you’re on a budget.

Find Time to Cook Your Own Meals

Yes, you have a busy schedule, but that’s not an excuse to continue eating out. The thing is, eating out now and then will dig a huge hole into your finances as a student and I’m sure you wouldn’t want that. The truth is, cooking your meals is exceptionally cheap compared to how much you would have to spend on a night out. While you may be limited to a small fridge and microwave, this doesn’t mean you can’t whip yourself a delicious home-cooked meal.

Leverage Buffet But In Moderation

If your college’s dining hall allows you to take extras after a delicious meal, there is no reason you shouldn’t take advantage of this. For someone who is on a budget and looking to eat healthy meals, this saves you a whole lot of cash. However, don’t go overboard with it. Just because you’re allowed to carry extra food out of the dining hall, doesn’t mean you should return to your dorm with three dozens of doughnuts; trust me that’s not healthy eating. Meals you can always take along with you include prepackaged yogurt, lean meat, mixed veggies and plain brown rice.

Load Up Veggies

Most college campuses have a salad bar where students can go and treat themselves to a plate of fresh vegetables. And for someone who knows the health benefit of vegetables, I’m sure you wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to grab a healthy bite of freshly prepared vegetables. With vegetables to the rescue, you wouldn’t have to bother about treating yourself to a healthy but expensive meal. Besides this, veggies help you keep in shape, how cool can that be?

Cut Down On Soda

Like it or not, taking soda regularly isn’t good for your health. Replace all your soda craving with freshly squeezed fruit juices or water; water is the best option. Besides saving some extra cash, it keeps your body healthy and happy too. Wouldn’t you want that? I’m sure you would.

Be Smart About Grocery Shopping

Beings smart when grocery shopping saves you a lot of hassles, you can trust me on this one. For someone with your busy schedule, making multiple stops on your grocery trips will save you some extra cash. Also, only stock up groceries that are healthy, this will go a long way in your quest for a clean bill of health while in college.

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20 Replies to “Eating Healthy On a College Budget”

  1. Honestly, it’s really not easy eating healthy with a low budget in college and even less time to do some yourself. But I think I’ll take note of these tips and see if I can do something. Thanks for helping a sister!

  2. Hmmm. I’ll definitely remember to replace all soda craving with freshly squeezed fruit juices or water. This should really help me a lot no doubt, especially as I’m already low on cash.

  3. Woah. I’m loving these tips and I’m definitely going to note them down so I can always remember to abide by them. It’s about time I stop digging humongous holes into my purse. Thanks for this.

  4. True, cooking your meals is exceptionally cheap compared to how much you would have to spend outside. I noticed that when I did a week experiment and till today I no longer bother eating outside unless there’s an occasion and I’m out with friends.

  5. I’m in for this. Going to the grocery store multiple times has really not been nice but I think this is a better option. I love cooking but sometimes I just need that motivation. Lol.

  6. Wow. I like this. Eating healthy should be our priority, especially as we are always stressed out. I think leveraging on budget is a good idea because my school does dinners almost all the time.

  7. Yup. Veggies all the way!! Most times I wouldn’t mind going all week with just vegetables and fruits. It’s even cheaper when you think of it. But a few homemade dishes also come in handy.

  8. This is totally amazing. I know I can be lazy but this is enough to get me off my back and do something for myself aside going to restaurants to queue all the time to get something to eat

  9. Wow. Looks like I’ll be saying goodbye to junks soon. I bet doing this would really pay well especially as I don’t have much doing. Maybe I could even check out some nice and healthy recipes online to try at home.

  10. Water really does a lot of good to our body and how I wish a lot of people would choose it over sodas and some other things that don’t better their health. I always suggest taking water as often as we can even when we aren’t thirsty. It really helps no doubt.

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